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Robbery in Tennessee


Robbery in Tennessee is a serious criminal offense that involves the unlawful taking of another person’s property or belongings through the use of force, fear, or intimidation. This is why it is considered a violent crime and not just a crime of theft. It is essential to understand the legal aspects of robbery, including the relevant statutes, penalties, and potential legal representation if you find yourself facing such charges.

Tennessee Statute on Robbery

The laws regulating robbery in Tennessee are outlined in the state’s statutes, found under Title 39, Chapter 13.

According to Tennessee Code Annotated § 39-13-401, robbery is committed when an individual intentionally and knowingly steals property from another person by violence or putting the victim in fear of imminent bodily injury. The use of force, intimidation, or fear is a central element that distinguishes robbery from other theft-related offenses.

Penalties for Robbery in Tennessee

In Tennessee, the act of robbery falls under the classification of a Class C felony, representing one of the most serious tiers of offenses within the state’s criminal justice framework.

Class C felonies are associated with significant penalties, including lengthy imprisonment and large fines.

If convicted of robbery, the offender can face a prison sentence of up to fifteen years and potential fines as prescribed by the court. Additionally, a conviction of a crime of this magnitude, and the accompanying criminal record, can have long-lasting consequences, affecting employment opportunities, housing, and other aspects of your future.

Why Choose the Clarke Law Firm?

Facing charges of robbery in Tennessee can be a daunting and overwhelming experience. This is where having the right legal representation becomes crucial. The Clarke Law Firm stands out as a trusted option for individuals seeking strong and effective legal defense. Here’s why you should consider choosing the Clarke Law Firm for your legal needs:

David Clarke’s Recognition as a Top 100 Trial Lawyer: The expertise and dedication of the legal team at the Clarke Law Firm are exemplified by David Clarke’s recognition as a Top 100 Trial Lawyer by the National Trial Lawyers. This accolade highlights his exceptional skills and track record in handling complex criminal cases.

Proven Record of Results: The Clarke Law Firm has earned a solid reputation for delivering positive outcomes for clients. With a history of successful cases, their commitment to achieving favorable results is evident.

Over a Decade of Service to Murfreesboro Clients: With more than ten years of experience serving Murfreesboro and the surrounding communities, the Clarke Law Firm has built strong relationships within the local legal system. This familiarity can be advantageous when navigating the complexities of your case.

Cost-Effective Counsel: The Clarke Law Firm is committed to providing cost-effective legal services. They offer reasonable fees and low-cost consultations, ensuring that you can access quality legal representation without excessive financial burden.

Transparency and Open Communication: When you choose the Clarke Law Firm, you can expect honesty and upfront communication. You will always be informed of your options, potential outcomes, and the strategies that will be employed to defend your case.

Bilingual Representation: The Clarke Law Firm offers bilingual representation for both English and Spanish speakers. This inclusive approach ensures that language barriers do not hinder effective communication between clients and their legal teams.

Contact the Clarke Law Firm Today

If you are facing charges related to a robbery in Tennessee, don’t navigate the legal system alone. Contact the Clarke Law Firm today and begin the process of reviewing your case with a dedicated local law firm. Call us at (615) 796-6299.

With a commitment to unique case solutions and aggressive representation,  Attorney David Clarke and the Clarke Law Firm is well-equipped to handle your case.

Whether it’s criminal defense or personal injury matters, our team is fully prepared to tackle any legal challenge that comes your way. Remember, seeking expert legal guidance can make all the difference in securing the best possible outcome for your case.


